====== Raid Shops ====== ===== Raid 1 ===== [[:sverauntiered:dungeons:raids:raid1|{{ :sverauntiered:dungeons:raids:raid1_launchflag.png?800 |Raids}}]] ^ Shop Items ^^^ |{{:sverauntiered:items:legendary:raidshop:scepteroftheother.png?80|Scepter of the Other}}**Scepter of the Other**((Affected by wismod.))\\ //A Scepter that contains mystical abilities borrowed from the energy of time itself//.\\ \\ __Lightning__: ''600 to 6 targets''\\ __Effect on Self__: ''Slowed'' for ''1.5'' seconds.\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+10 Dexterity''\\ ''+10 Defense''\\ __MP Cost__: ''120''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Usable by__: Sorcerer\\ \\ __Cost__: ''150 [[:sverauntiered#onrane|Onrane]]''|{{:sverauntiered:items:legendary:raidshop:burdenofthewarpawn.png?80|Burden of the Warpawn}}**Burden of the Warpawn**\\ //The end will be forever if we don//'//t stop this war//.// ~Vardon//,// the Remembered//.\\ \\ __Effect on Self__: ''Beserk'' for ''5'' seconds.\\ __Party Heal__: ''200HP within 4 sqrs''.\\ __Enemy Effect__:\\ ''Within 5 sqrs Stunned for 4\\ seconds''.\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+120 Maximum HP''\\ ''+10 Defense''\\ ''+10 Dexterity''\\ ''+10 Vitality''\\ __MP Cost__: ''120''\\ __Cooldown__: ''8 seconds''.\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Usable by__: Warrior\\ \\ __Cost__: ''160 [[:sverauntiered#onrane|Onrane]]''|{{:sverauntiered:items:legendary:raidshop:theodyssey.png?80|The Odyssey}}**The Odyssey**\\ //Yes//!// Adventures await us young warrior//!// You must fight with valor and and might//.// ~ Itani//.\\ \\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+30 Defense''\\ ''+8 Dexterity''\\ ''+12 Speed''\\ ''+12 Vitality''\\ ''+5 Attack''\\ ''+100 Luck''\\ ''+50 Might''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Usable by__: Warrior, Knight,\\ Paladin, Samurai, Templar\\ \\ __Cost__: ''120 [[:sverauntiered#onrane|Onrane]]''| |{{:sverauntiered:items:legendary:raidshop:theexecutioner.png?80|The Executioner}}**The Executioner**\\ //This is a joke and it//'//s my death, wanderer//.// Kill me and see how long you live to tell the others//.\\ \\ __Shots__:''2''\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''110%''\\ __Damage__:\\ ''160-200''\\ __Range__: ''4''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+10 Speed''\\ ''+8 Wisdom''\\ ''+3 Attack''\\ ''+3 Dexterity''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Usable by__: Ninja, Samurai,\\ Shrine Maiden\\ \\ __Cost__: ''120 [[:sverauntiered#onrane|Onrane]]''|{{:sverauntiered:items:legendary:raidshop:ripofsoul.png?80|Rip of Soul}}**Rip of Soul**((Affected by wismod.))\\ //First is thirst//..// and now your essence belongs to me//.\\ \\ Deals 800 to all enemies within 1.0\\ tiles.\\ Steals vitality from each enemy hit\\ and buffs allies for seconds.\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+50 Luck''\\ ''+20 Might''\\ ''+5 Dexterity''\\ ''-6 Wisdom''\\ ''+2 Mana Leech''\\ __MP Cost__: ''100''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Usable by__: Necromancer\\ \\ __Cost__: ''130 [[:sverauntiered#onrane|Onrane]]''|{{:sverauntiered:items:legendary:raidshop:sincryersdemise.png?80|Sincryer's Demise}}**Sincryer's Demise**\\ //The evils I have done can//'//t be concealed forever//.\\ \\ __Damage__: ''150-300''\\ __Range__: ''11''\\ ''Shots hit multiple targets'' \\ __On Equip__:\\ ''-6 Defense''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Usable by__: Priest, Sorcerer, Drakzix\\ \\ __Cost__: ''140 [[:sverauntiered#onrane|Onrane]]''| ===== Raid 2 ===== [[:sverauntiered:dungeons:raids:raid2|{{ :sverauntiered:dungeons:raids:raid2_launchflag.png?800 |}}]] ^ Shop Items ^^^ |{{:sverauntiered:items:legendary:raidshop:aegisofthedevourer.png?80|Aegis of the Devourer}}**Aegis of the Devourer**\\ //The devourer must not be awakened once again or our world will tear and shatter to pieces//.\\ \\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+200 Maximum HP''\\ ''+22 Defense''\\ ''+10 Attack''\\ ''-100 Maximum MP''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Usable by__: Warrior, Knight,\\ Paladin, Samurai, Templar\\ ''Vengeance'': The less health that\\ you currently have effects how\\ much more damage you deal.\\ \\ __Cost__: ''130 [[:sverauntiered#onrane|Onrane]]''|{{:sverauntiered:items:legendary:raidshop:drannolsfury.png?80|Drannol's Fury}}**Drannol's Fury**\\ //A special hide created from the hide of the Eternal Beast//.\\ \\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+150 Maximum HP''\\ ''+20 Defense''\\ ''+30 Restoration''\\ ''+10 Attack''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Usable by__: Rogue, Archer, Assassin,\\ Huntress, Trickster, Ninja,\\ Gambler, Blademaster\\ \\ __Cost__: ''120 [[:sverauntiered#onrane|Onrane]]''|{{:sverauntiered:items:legendary:raidshop:graspofelysium.png?80|Grasp of Elysium}}**Grasp of Elysium**\\ //Become a machine of the heavens//,// and strike down the unholy//!\\ \\ __Shots__: ''2''\\ __Damage__: ''150-180''\\ __Range__: ''5.9''\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''140%''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''-60 Maximum HP''\\ ''-20 Restoration''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Usable by__: Assassin, Trickster,\\ Gambler\\ \\ __Cost__: ''140 [[:sverauntiered#onrane|Onrane]]''| |{{:sverauntiered:items:legendary:raidshop:fortificationshield.png?80|Fortification Shield}}**Fortification Shield**\\ //An enormous tower//-//shield whose design is taken from the entry doors of the Grand Citadel//.\\ \\ __Shots__: ''12''\\ __Damage__: ''175-300''\\ __Range__: ''3.2''\\ ''Shots hit multiple targets''\\ ''Shots pass through obstacles''\\ __Shot Effect__:\\ ''Armor Broken for 6 seconds''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+100 Maximum HP''\\ ''+50 Defense''\\ ''-15 Speed''\\ __MP Cost__: ''125''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Usable by__: Knight\\ ''Titan's Wrath'': Anytime you take \\ damage you have a 20% chance to\\ recover most of the damage taken.\\ \\ __Cost__: ''160 [[:sverauntiered#onrane|Onrane]]''|{{:sverauntiered:items:legendary:raidshop:neverbeforeseen.png?80|Never Before Seen}}**Never Before Seen**\\ //A robe that promotes swift movement and god//-//like life essence never before seen//.\\ \\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+200 Maximum HP''\\ ''+5 Attack''\\ ''+15 Dexterity''\\ ''+12 Speed''\\ ''+5 Defense''\\ ''-6 Vitality''\\ ''-4 Wisdom''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Usable by__: Wizard, Priest,\\ Necromancer, Mystic, Sorcerer, Drakzix,\\ Shrine Maiden, Spirit Hunter\\ \\ __Cost__: ''120 [[:sverauntiered#onrane|Onrane]]''|{{:sverauntiered:items:legendary:raidshop:themastersbetrayal.png?80|The Master's Betrayal}}**The Master's Betrayal**\\ //The protege has surpassed the master//.\\ \\ __Offensive Stance__:\\ ''+20 attack''\\ __Defensive Stance__:\\ ''+25 Defense''\\ __Damage__: ''325-400''\\ __Range__: ''4.5''\\ ''Shots hit multiple targets''\\ ''Ignores Defense of target''\\ ''Shots boomerang''\\ __Shot Effect__:\\ ''Weak for 6 seconds''\\ ''Teleport to Target''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+250 Maximum HP''\\ ''+15 Defense''\\ __MP Cost__: ''65''\\ __Surge Cost__: ''1''\\ __Cooldown__: ''2 seconds''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Usable by__: Blade Master\\ \\ __Cost__: ''110 [[:sverauntiered#onrane|Onrane]]''|