====== How To Play ====== > The download for the game is in the [[https://discord.gg/AdWG589yvu|discord]]. {{~verify.png?800|}}{{~reactroles.png?800|}}{{~wheretochat.png?800|}}{{~serverinfo.png?800|}} ===== First Time Opening ===== > When you open the game for the first time you will not be logged in, so first you'll need to register, click the button in the top right. {{~homescreen.png?400 |> Whilst registering, the email does not need to be a real email since there is no email verification. Be sure to set your password to something you don't use anywhere else and WRITE YOUR DETAILS DOWN!}} > Once you've registered, you want to click //**PLAY**// so you can view the character screen, once on the character screen click //**CHOOSE NAME**// at the top of the screen. {{~characterscreen.png?400 |> If you don't choose a name you won't be able to load in.}}