====== Bow ====== ^ **Shade of the Phoenix** | |{{:sverauntiered:items:godslayer:shadeofthephoenix.png?80 |Shade of the Phoenix}}//The power within this bow//,// has been\\ replicated by the power of the Godly\\ Remnant//.// The power of the previous\\ owner resides within//.\\ \\ \\ __Damage__: ''150-188''\\ __Range__: ''7.8''\\ __Shots__: ''3''\\ ''Shots hit multiple targets''\\ ''Ignores defense of target''\\ __Rate of Fire__ ''130%''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+20 Vitality''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''10%''\\ __Usable by__: Archer, Huntress,\\ Spirithunter| ^ Crafted from the [[Relic Bow]]\\ in the [[:sverauntiered:crafting|Sacred Forge]]. ^