^ **Revenant Claw** | |{{:sverauntiered:items:godslayer:revenantclaw.png?80 |Revenant Claw}}//A sword thought to have been long\\ lost for centuries//,// it pulls all power\\ it can gain//,// it's unstable power is\\ rumoured to corrupt even the purest\\ of souls//,// consuming them to absolute darkness//.\\ \\ __Damage__: ''500-612''\\ __Range__: ''4.0''\\ ''Shots hit multiple targets''\\ ''Ignores defense of target''\\ __Rate of Fire__ ''120%''\\ __Shot Effect__:\\ ''Weak for 1.0 seconds'' __On Equip__:\\ ''+150 Maximum MP'' \\ ''+60 Restoration''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''14%''\\ __Usable by__: Warrior, Knight,\\ Paladin| ^ Crafted from the [[Relic Sword]]\\ in the [[:sverauntiered:crafting|Sacred Forge]]. ^