====== Valiant Armor ====== ===== Light ===== ^ **Garments of the Immovable** ^ **Mantle of Untold Malice** ^ **Cosmic Whispers** ^ |{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:armor:light:garmentsoftheimmovable.png?80|Garments of the Immovable}}\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+30% Maximum HP''\\ ''+7 Attack''\\ ''+15 Defense''\\ ''+10 Speed''\\ ''+5 Vigor''\\ ''-10 Intelligence''\\ ''+7 Dexterity''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Unstoppable Advance__: ''Immune to paralyze and slow, after the negation of the paralyze or slow, you will heal 250hp after 5s, 17s Effect Cooldown.''\\ \\ //What happens when the unstoppable force meets the immovable object?//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Wizard, Priest, Necromancer, Mystic, Sorcerer, Shrine Maiden, Spirithunter''|{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:armor:light:mantleofuntoldmalice.png?80|Mantle of Untold Malice}}\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+40 Maximum HP''\\ ''+40 Maximum MP''\\ ''+17 Attack''\\ ''+10 Vigor''\\ ''+10 Intelligence''\\ ''+14 Dexterity''\\ ''+25 Critical Damage''\\ ''+40 Critical Chance''\\ ''+1 Mana Leech''\\ ''+3 Life Steal''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Hellish Alliance__: ''After dealing 5% or more damage to a boss, you summon a demon that aids you in battle, this demon will give you armored every 10s while the boss is alive, after reaching 10% damage dealt, spawn another demon which will paralyze the boss for 3 seconds every 10s while the boss is alive.''\\ \\ //A jet black silk garment that fills the bearer's soul with a sense of incomprehensible burden.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Wizard, Priest, Necromancer, Mystic, Sorcerer, Shrine Maiden, Spirithunter''|{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:armor:light:cosmicwhispers.png?80|Cosmic Whispers}}\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+400 Maximum MP''\\ ''+75 Intelligence''\\ ''+20 Overshield''\\ ''+2 Mana Leech''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __White Noise__: ''Immune to quiet.''\\ \\ //In life, in death, though silence and cacophony you can hear them, only if you’d know what they say.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Wizard, Priest, Necromancer, Mystic, Sorcerer, Shrine Maiden, Spirithunter''| ^ **Thunderous Robes** ^ **Earthveil** ^ ^ |{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:armor:light:thunderousrobes.png?80|Thunderous Robes}}\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+120 Maximum MP''\\ ''+12 Attack''\\ ''-7 Defense''\\ ''+14 Speed''\\ ''+9 Intelligence''\\ ''-5 Dexterity''\\ ''+40 Critical Chance''\\ ''+20 Restoration''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Cheapskate__: ''While you have at least 50% or more mana your ability cost will be halved.''\\ \\ //If you listen closely, you can hear the raindrops, feel the wind and control the thunder.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Wizard, Priest, Necromancer, Mystic, Sorcerer, Shrine Maiden, Spirithunter''|{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:armor:light:earthveil.png?80|Earthveil}}\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+120 Maximum HP''\\ ''+60 Maximum MP''\\ ''+10 Speed''\\ ''+15 Defense''\\ ''+20 Overshield''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Alchemic Frenzy__: ''When consuming a potion you gain a temporary 20% dex boost for 2 seconds.''\\ \\ //When wearing this you feel like the very nature surrounding you fends off all harm.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Wizard, Priest, Necromancer, Mystic, Sorcerer, Shrine Maiden, Spirithunter''| | ===== Medium ===== ^ **Beastly Empowerment** ^ **Souvenir of the Underworld** ^ **Beastly Nature** ^ |{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:armor:medium:beastlyempowerment.png?80|Beastly Empowerment}}\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+250 Maximum HP''\\ ''+5 Attack''\\ ''+30 Defense''\\ ''+20 Vigor''\\ ''+10 Overshield''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Getting Serious__: ''Immune to armor break and armor piercing below 65% hp.''\\ \\ //Carved from the Heart of a Titan, it fills the wearer with an unrivaled sense of vigor.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Rogue, Archer, Assassin, Huntress, Trickster, Ninja, Gambler, Blademaster''|{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:armor:medium:souveniroftheunderworld.png?80|Souvenir of the Underworld}}\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+12 Attack''\\ ''+14 Defense''\\ ''+5 Speed''\\ ''+75 Critical Damage''\\ ''+100 Critical Chance''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Burning Ambition__: ''If you critically strike there is a 6% chance to gain 120 mana.''\\ \\ //A gift given to a shady rogue after completing a deal with the Devil, it makes you feel like you aren’t in control of your actions.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Rogue, Archer, Assassin, Huntress, Trickster, Ninja, Gambler, Blademaster''|{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:armor:medium:beastlynature.png?80|Beastly Nature}}\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+100 Maximum HP''\\ ''+80 Maximum MP''\\ ''+12 Attack''\\ ''+14 Defense''\\ ''+10 Speed''\\ ''+8 Intelligence''\\ ''+8 Dexterity''\\ ''+20 Critical Chance''\\ ''+20 Restoration''\\ ''+10 Overshield''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __End of Patience__: ''If there is atleast 2 debuffs on you, they get negated, 15s Effect Cooldown.''\\ \\ //Rage is not a tool, it’s a metric.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Rogue, Archer, Assassin, Huntress, Trickster, Ninja, Gambler, Blademaster''| ^ **Guardian's Might** ^ **Shadowlace** ^ **Audacious Approachment** ^ |{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:armor:medium:guardiansmight.png?80|Guardian's Might}}\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''-200 Maximum HP''\\ ''-60 Maximum MP''\\ ''+60 Attack''\\ ''-10 Defense''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Power of Knowledge__: ''If you have 50% or more mana, your damage will be increased by 15%''\\ \\ //The ancient guardian held to his duty until the bitter end now his task is in your hands but beware, his power brought peril to all who wished to acquire it.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Rogue, Archer, Assassin, Huntress, Trickster, Ninja, Gambler, Blademaster''|{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:armor:medium:shadowlace.png?80|Shadowlace}}\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+25 Defense''\\ ''+30 Speed''\\ ''+35 Overshield''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Abyssal Absorption__: ''Once your protection is depleted you gain armored for 5s, 25s Effect Cooldown''\\ \\ //An armor forged together from Shadows fading in and out of reality.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Rogue, Archer, Assassin, Huntress, Trickster, Ninja, Gambler, Blademaster''|{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:armor:medium:audaciousapproachment.png?80|Audacious Approachment}}\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+30% Attack''\\ ''+15% Dexterity''\\ ''+10 Vigor''\\ ''+2 Life Steal''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Perilous Advantage__: ''You cannot receive any positive buffs.''\\ \\ //An odd looking, time worn leather suit that seemingly suffered a thousand cuts… all of which seem to be of lethal severity.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Rogue, Archer, Assassin, Huntress, Trickster, Ninja, Gambler, Blademaster''| ^ **Basilisk Scales** ^ ^ ^ |{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:armor:medium:basiliskscales.png?80|Basilisk Scales}}\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+150 Maximum MP''\\ ''+25 Intelligence''\\ ''+2 Mana Leech''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Virulent Buildup__: ''On ability use, you gain 1/10th of the abilities mana cost as wisdom, can stack twice.''\\ \\ //Crafted from the Hide of a Great beast, it is a warrior’s utmost honor slaying one of them as their scales are nigh Untouchable because of the poison residing underneath.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Rogue, Archer, Assassin, Huntress, Trickster, Ninja, Gambler, Blademaster''| | | ===== Heavy ===== ^ **Marble Aegis** ^ **Realmbreaker** ^ **Godheart** ^ |{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:armor:heavy:marbleaegis.png?80|Marble Aegis}}\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+125 Maximum HP''\\ ''-3 Attack''\\ ''+20 Defense''\\ ''+40 Intelligence''\\ ''-3 Dexterity''\\ ''+20 Restoration''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Holy Blessing__: ''After 45s, gain intelligence.''\\ \\ //Seems brittle to the untrained eye, yet in truth this armor is more enduring than time itself.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Warrior, Knight, Paladin, Samurai, Templar''|{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:armor:heavy:realmbreaker.png?80|Realmbreaker}}\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+15 Attack''\\ ''+10 Defense''\\ ''-15 Vigor''\\ ''-8 Intelligence''\\ ''+10 Dexterity''\\ ''-10 Restoration''\\ ''+40 Critical Damage''\\ ''+80 Critical Chance''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Rending Rage__: ''When taking damage there is a 10% chance to release an AoE, 5 tiles, deals 3,000 damage to enemies and dazes for 2.5s.''\\ \\ //The last stand is where I plant my feet. Not one step more.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Warrior, Knight, Paladin, Samurai, Templar''|{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:armor:heavy:godheart.png?80|Godheart}}\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+40 Maximum HP''\\ ''+40 Defense''\\ ''+10 Vigor''\\ ''+10 Intelligence''\\ ''+75 Overshield''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Underheld Reserve__: ''When below 20% mana, you gain an extra 250 HP for 6s, 25s Effect Cooldown.''\\ \\ //The closest humans have ever gotten to reaching immortality.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Warrior, Knight, Paladin, Samurai, Templar''| ^ **Warmaster's Advance** ^ **Plate of Corrupted Trenches** ^ **Anubis' Pride** ^ |{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:armor:heavy:warmastersadvance.png?80|Warmaster's Advance}}\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+200 Maximum HP''\\ ''+24 Defense''\\ ''+50% Speed''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Retreat Command__: ''When taking damage there is a 30% chance to gain speedy for 2s, 6s Effect Cooldown.''\\ \\ //In times of war charge through hell and never look back.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Warrior, Knight, Paladin, Samurai, Templar''|{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:armor:heavy:plateofcorruptedtrenches.png?80|Plate of Corrupted Trenches}}\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+100 Maximum HP''\\ ''+80 Maximum MP''\\ ''+10 Attack''\\ ''+10 Defense''\\ ''+5 Speed''\\ ''+8 Vigor''\\ ''+5 Intelligence''\\ ''+8 Dexterity''\\ ''+10 Critical Damage''\\ ''+20 Critical Chance''\\ ''+10 Restoration''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Allrounder__: ''On ability use, 20% chance to gain 10% of every stat for 4s, 16s Effect Cooldown.''\\ \\ //What is hidden in the deep? No man will ever live to tell the tale.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Warrior, Knight, Paladin, Samurai, Templar''|{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:armor:heavy:anubispride.png?80|Anubis' Pride}}\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+25 Defense''\\ ''+10 Speed''\\ ''+7 Dexterity''\\ ''+30 Restoration''\\ ''+4 Mana Leech''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Ambrosia__: ''Once enemy kill, 5% chance to regain 20% of your mana.''\\ \\ //The ancient gods favored gilded sacrifices, this one however speaks of a more... robust design.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Warrior, Knight, Paladin, Samurai, Templar''|