====== Valiant Weapons ====== ===== Swords ===== ^ **Tyrant's Guillotine** ^ **Beacon of the Deep** ^ **Phantom Scissor Blade** ^ |{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:weapons:swords:tyrantsguillotine.png?80|Tyrant's Guillotine}}\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''100%''\\ __Damage__: ''420 - 570''\\ __Range__: ''4.3''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+75 Maximum MP''\\ ''+17 Intelligence''\\ ''+10 Restoration''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Oppressor's Resolve__: ''Every second you don't take damage, you gain 1 WIS, can stack 30 times, get Mana Leech every 15s, can stack twice, getting hit consumes 5% of your wisdom as mana and resets your stacks.''\\ \\ //My kingdom for a horse.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: Warrior, Knight, Paladin|{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:weapons:swords:beaconofthedeep.png?80|Beacon of the Deep}}\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''115%''\\ __Damage__: ''285 - 320''\\ __Range__: ''4.3''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+100 Maximum MP''\\ ''+12 Intelligence''\\ ''+20 Restoration''\\ ''+15 Overshield''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Call of the Deep__: ''Immune to petrify.''\\ \\ //A relic of the abyss brought ashore by the great tear in the cosmic sea, it seems to call for it's place among the stars... can't you hear it?//\\ \\ __Usable by__: Warrior, Knight, Paladin|{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:weapons:swords:phantomscissorblade.png?80|Phantom's Scissor Blade}}\\ __Shots__: ''5''\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''60%''\\ __Damage__: ''175 - 190''\\ __Range__: ''2.4''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+5 Attack''\\ ''+10 Defense''\\ ''+5 Dexterity''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Blood Drinker__: ''After dealing 30% or more damage to a boss, you gain armored for 10s, 17s Effect Cooldown.''\\ \\ //Half of a massive scissor taken from the haunting phantoms dwelling in the asylum.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: Warrior, Knight, Paladin| ^ **Starlight** ^ ^ ^ |{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:weapons:swords:starlight.png?80|Starlight}}\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''40%''\\ __Damage__: ''725 - 1435''\\ __Range__: ''3.4''\\ ''Shots pass through obstacles''\\ ''Shots hit multiple targets''\\ ''Ignores defense of target''\\ __Chance to Inflict__:\\ ''0.5% chance to inflict Bind for 1.5 seconds''\\ ''3% chance to inflict Sluggish for 1.5 seconds''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+10 Attack''\\ ''+20 Critical Damage''\\ ''+40 Critical Chance''\\ ''+10 Restoration''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Blinding Glory__: ''Using your ability paralyzes all enemies in a 6 tile radius for 4.5s, 14s Effect Cooldown.''\\ \\ //It once cut a sun straight in half.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: Warrior, Knight, Paladin| | | ===== Bows ===== ^ **Eternity's Demise** ^ **Thunderchild** ^ **Predatory Instinct** ^ |{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:weapons:bows:eternitysdemise.png?80|Eternity's Demise}}\\ __Shots__: ''2''\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''95%''\\ __Damage__: ''235 - 315''\\ __Range__: ''6''\\ ''Shots hit multiple targets''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''-15 Restoration''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Supernova__: ''When taking damage, 0.5% chance to trigger an AoE, 4 tiles, dealing 30,000 damage.''\\ \\ //Even light, dies eventually.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Archer, Huntress, Spirithunter''|{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:weapons:bows:thunderchild.png?80|Thunderchild}}\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''150%''\\ __Damage__: ''300 - 350''\\ __Range__: ''6.8''\\ ''Shots hit multiple targets''\\ ''Ignores defense of target''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+35 Critical Damage''\\ ''+20 Critical Chance''\\ ''+50 Overshield''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Domino Effect__: ''If you have damaging/berserk buff, there is a 65% chance to gain bravery for 2s and a 35% chance to gain dazed for 2s, 10s Effect Cooldown.''\\ \\ //“183mm's of pure democracy” - FV4005//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Archer, Huntress, Spirithunter''|{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:weapons:bows:predatoryinstinct.png?80|Predatory Instinct}}\\ __Shots__: ''5''\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''79%''\\ __Damage__: ''120 - 170''\\ __Range__: ''6.9''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''-70 Maximum HP''\\ ''-50 Maximum MP''\\ ''+10 Restoration''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Spiritual Hunt__: ''On enemy kill, 10% chance to heal 300 HP.''\\ \\ //It’s the cornerstone of existence, the moving gear of all living creatures, now unshackled.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Archer, Huntress, Spirithunter''| ^ **Foretold Tragedy** ^ **Light Puncturer** ^ ^ |{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:weapons:bows:foretoldtragedy.png?80|Foretold Tragedy}}\\ __Shots__: ''2''\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''55%''\\ __Damage__: ''345 - 495''\\ __Range__: ''6.6''\\ ''Shots pass through obstacles''\\ ''Shots hit multiple targets''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+10 Defense''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Accumulating Calamity__: ''On enemy hit, you gain 1 dex, can stack 20 times, lose stacked amount of wisdom, stacks reset when taking damage.''\\ \\ //They warned us when we could make it right, they warned us when we could stop it, they warned us when we could still run... but we never listened.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Archer, Huntress, Spirithunter''|{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:weapons:bows:lightpuncturer.png?80|Light Puncturer}}\\ __Shots__: ''2''\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''100%''\\ __Damage__: ''275 - 335''\\ __Range__: ''5.3''\\ __Chance to Inflict__:\\ ''2.5% chance to inflict Hemorrhage for 6 seconds''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Hematophobia__: ''When taking damage, 60% chance to get unstable for 2s.''\\ \\ //This bow punched holes through the most incredible beings, larger beasts couldn’t take the beating given from this weapon, after time anything hit by this weapon became demolished.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Archer, Huntress, Spirithunter''| | ===== Daggers ===== ^ **Pestilential Agony** ^ **The Devil's Ante** ^ **Gilded Grudge** ^ |{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:weapons:daggers:pestilentialagony.png?80|Pestilential Agony}}\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''120%''\\ __Damage__: ''340 - 370''\\ __Range__: ''5.1''\\ __Chance to Inflict__:\\ ''5% chance to inflict Hemorrhage for 6 seconds''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''-60 Maximum HP''\\ ''+5 Attack''\\ ''+5 Dexterity''\\ ''+40 Restoration''\\ ''+2 Mana Leech''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Black Plague__: ''When hitting a bleeding enemy, deal 8% more damage, killing a bleeding enemy will spread it to enemies that are close by, 3 tiles.''\\ \\ //The treasure of the catacombs, lots have sought to grasp it in their hand... the only thing remaining is their rotting bones among the swarm of rodents.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Rogue, Assassin, Trickster, Gambler''|{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:weapons:daggers:thedevilsante.png?80|The Devil's Ante}}\\ __Shots__: ''2''\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''90%''\\ __Damage__: ''220 - 240''\\ __Range__: ''5.4''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''-150 Maximum HP''\\ ''+15 Attack''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Sacrificial Disaster__: ''Above 55% HP you deal 5% more damage and gain 13% increased rate of fire and ability costs hp instead of mana.''\\ \\ //Someone. Has. To. Pay!//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Rogue, Assassin, Trickster, Gambler''|{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:weapons:daggers:gildedgrudge.png?80|Gilded Grudge}}\\ __Shots__: ''2''\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''65%''\\ __Damage__: ''300 - 320''\\ __Range__: ''6.5''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''-40 Maximum HP''\\ ''-10 Defense''\\ ''-10 Vigor''\\ ''-20 Restoration''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Assassin's Ambition__: ''Above 60% mana and 90% protection, your Rate of Fire will increase by 23%.''\\ \\ //A professional assassin's tool, used for matters other than business.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Rogue, Assassin, Trickster, Gambler''| ^ **Void Drinker** ^ **Hoargloom** ^ **Feintfang** ^ |{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:weapons:daggers:voiddrinker.png?80|Void Drinker}}\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''85%''\\ __Damage__: ''150 - 200''\\ __Range__: ''5.6''\\ ''Ignores defense of target''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+50 Maximum HP''\\ ''+10 Attack''\\ ''-15 Defense''\\ ''+30 Intelligence''\\ ''+5 Overshield''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Omniscience__: ''While below 70% mana, damage scales off wisdom.''\\ \\ //A dark blade of unending gluttony, devour all knowledge, the blade can endlessly wreak carnage.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Rogue, Assassin, Trickster, Gambler''|{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:weapons:daggers:hoargloom.png?80|Hoargloom}}\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''115%''\\ __Damage__: ''320 - 420''\\ __Range__: ''6.2''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+5 Attack''\\ ''+10 Defense''\\ ''-5 Vigor''\\ ''-5 Intelligence''\\ ''+12 Dexterity''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Nyctophobia__: ''On enemy hit, 3% chance to be affected by darkness for 4s, while darkened gain 25 attack.''\\ \\ //A Dagger that appeared in a grave, frozen in place on a winter night of impenetrable fog. After the item was found they had said the grave wasn't opened, but indeed empty.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Rogue, Assassin, Trickster, Gambler''|{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:weapons:daggers:feintfang.png?80|Feintfang}}\\ __Shots__: ''3''\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''95%''\\ __Damage__: ''135 - 190''\\ __Range__: ''5''\\ ''Ignores defense of target''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+5 Attack''\\ ''-8 Defense''\\ ''+4 Speed''\\ ''+6 Dexterity''\\ ''+25 Restoration''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Thrillseeker's Onslaught__: ''On ability use, 15% chance to double your highest stat for 4s, half the lowest stat for 4s, 10s Effect Cooldown.''\\ \\ //Those who live with no thought of tomorrow, get the best of today.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Rogue, Assassin, Trickster, Gambler''| ===== Wands ===== ^ **Mage General's Wand** ^ **Ephemeral Conductor** ^ **Comet Caller** ^ |{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:weapons:wands:magegeneralswand.png?80|Mage General's Wand}}\\ __Shots__: ''4''\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''65%''\\ __Damage__: ''145 - 210''\\ __Range__: ''6''\\ ''Shots pass through obstacles''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+100 Maximum HP''\\ ''+20 Vigor''\\ ''+20 Restoration''\\ ''+2 Mana Leech''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Breather__: ''When under 50% health you gain increased HP regen, and gain armored for 3s, 9s Effect Cooldown.''\\ \\ //The mage general, who led many, aquired quite the odd wand, the wand must have been what made the general so resilient. What about this item is so unique to empower the user with this much power?//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Priest, Sorcerer''|{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:weapons:wands:ephemeralconductor.png?80|Ephemeral Conductor}}\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''85%''\\ __Damage__: ''220 - 320''\\ __Range__: ''6.8''\\ ''Shots hit multiple targets''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+100 Maximum MP''\\ ''+7 Speed''\\ ''+20 Intelligence''\\ ''+2 Mana Leech''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Overcharge__: ''On ability Use, 50% chance to do an AOE Explosion, 4 tiles, dealing 2,000 Damage.''\\ \\ //A wand carrying a very volatile energy inside, be very careful with it.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Priest, Sorcerer''|{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:weapons:wands:cometcaller.png?80|Comet Caller}}\\ __Shots__: ''2''\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''87%''\\ __Damage__: ''255 - 325''\\ __Range__: ''6.2''\\ ''Shots hit multiple targets''\\ ''Ignores defense of target''\\ ''Shots boomerang''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Lunar Surge__: ''For every 10% health missing you gain 7 dexterity.''\\ \\ //The laying of a mortals hand upon this magnificent wand surges the knowledge of the universe throughout them, but at what cost?//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Priest, Sorcerer''| ===== Staffs ===== ^ **Corrupting Command** ^ **Limbo's Judge** ^ **Gloomy Truth** ^ |{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:weapons:staffs:corruptingcommand.png?80|Corrupting Command}}\\ __Shots__: ''4''\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''80%''\\ __Damage__: ''175 - 190''\\ __Range__: ''7.2''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Spiritual Destruction__: ''Inflict armor break on enemies above 70% health for 2s.''\\ \\ //An uncontained power, ravaging everything around it, if only it could find unity.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Wizard, Necromancer, Mystic''|{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:weapons:staffs:limbosjudge.png?80|Limbo's Judge}}\\ __Shots__: ''2''\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''95%''\\ __Damage__: ''250 - 270''\\ __Range__: ''10''\\ ''Ignores defense of target''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+100 Maximum HP''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Hellstorm__: ''On ability use, cast a AoE explosion of 3 tiles around the cursor, dealing 3500 damage, 5s Effect Cooldown.''\\ \\ //Hope all you want, the verdict never changes.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Wizard, Necromancer, Mystic''|{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:weapons:staffs:gloomytruth.png?80|Gloomy Truth}}\\ __Shots__: ''2''\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''105%''\\ __Damage__: ''180 - 280''\\ __Range__: ''8.2''\\ ''Shots pass through obstacles''\\ ''Ignores defense of target''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+5 Attack''\\ ''+5 Dexterity''\\ ''+20 Restoration''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Opportunist__: ''You deal 10% more damage to paralyzed enemies.''\\ \\ //Staff bathed in the void, molded by the souls of it's previous weavers.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Wizard, Necromancer, Mystic''| ^ **Wrath's Antiquity** ^ **Gleaming Hope** ^ ^ |{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:weapons:staffs:wrathsantiquity.png?80|Wrath's Antiquity}}\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''45%''\\ __Damage__: ''450 - 1625''\\ __Range__: ''9.6''\\ ''Shots pass through obstacles''\\ ''Shots hit multiple targets''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+6 Attack''\\ ''+15 Critical Damage''\\ ''+45 Critical Chance''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Growing Rage__: ''Each time you hit a minimum of 20,000 damage in a crit, you gain 5 dex, can stack 5 times.''\\ \\ //An odd looking mythril staff, constructed by a guild of conspirators, in an attempt to overthrow a weakened king. It seems to hold an immense hatred towards all living beings.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Wizard, Necromancer, Mystic''|{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:weapons:staffs:gleaminghope.png?80|Gleaming Hope}}\\ __Shots__: ''4''\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''92%''\\ __Damage__: ''115 - 175''\\ __Range__: ''7.6''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+20 Restoration''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Inspiration Drive__: ''When under 20% mana, deal 5% more damage.''\\ \\ //They say that hope can be grasped by light, when caught, the colour of hope shows itself painted in purple, thus the staff was revered by many.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Wizard, Necromancer, Mystic''| | ===== Katanas ===== ^ **Shogun's Honor** ^ **Flawless** ^ **Blind Onslaught** ^ |{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:weapons:katanas:shogunshonor.png?80|Shogun's Honor}}\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''100%''\\ __Damage__: ''420 - 500''\\ __Range__: ''7''\\ ''Shots hit multiple targets''\\ ''Ignores defense of target''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+10 Speed''\\ ''+30 Critical Damage''\\ ''+40 Critical Chance''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Self Assurance__: ''When above 300 Luck, gain 15 attack and 10 defense.''\\ \\ //An odachi forged with painstaking care, it's believed to cleave through 7 men at once.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Ninja, Samurai, Shrine Maiden''|{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:weapons:katanas:flawless.png?80|Flawless}}\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''140%''\\ __Damage__: ''275 - 340''\\ __Range__: ''6.8''\\ ''Shots hit multiple targets''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+80 Maximum HP''\\ ''-8 Defense''\\ ''+3 Speed''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Untouchable__: ''If you don't take damage for 10s you gain 25% extra damage, resets upon taking damage.''\\ \\ //I danced between flurries of blades, unscathed, but alas I became fragile enough to shatter upon a single scratch.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Ninja, Samurai, Shrine Maiden''|{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:weapons:katanas:blindonslaught.png?80|Blind Onslaught}}\\ __Shots__: ''2''\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''115%''\\ __Damage__: ''200 - 240''\\ __Range__: ''4.5''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+3 Attack''\\ ''+3 Vigor''\\ ''+3 Dexterity''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Payback__: ''Upon taking damage, you inflict curse on all enemies in a 7 tile radius for 4 seconds, 10s Effect Cooldown.''\\ \\ //The blade of a beheaded oni, it reeks of unjust slaughter fueld by rage.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Ninja, Samurai, Shrine Maiden''| ===== Lances ===== ^ **World Shaper** ^ **Defender's Defiance** ^ **Conqueror's Prowess** ^ |{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:weapons:lances:worldshaper.png?80|World Shaper}}\\ __Shots__: ''2''\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''90%''\\ __Damage__: ''240 - 360''\\ __Range__: ''5.4''\\ ''Shots hit multiple targets''\\ ''Ignores defense of target''\\ __Chance to Inflict__:\\ ''3% chance to inflict Deficient for 4 seconds''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+80 Maximum HP''\\ ''+15 Defense''\\ ''+15 Vigor''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Piece by Piece__: ''When you have 100% mana, your protection increases by 15%.''\\ \\ //Never intended to be a weapon, but a tool to right all cosmic wrongs... but time takes its toll on all.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Templar''|{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:weapons:lances:defendersdefiance.png?80|Defender's Defiance}}\\ __Shots__: ''4''\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''100%''\\ __Damage__: ''120''\\ __Range__: ''7''\\ ''Ignores defense of target''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+100 Maximum HP''\\ ''+15 Restoration''\\ ''+30 Overshield''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Warmed Up__: ''When your protection is depleted, gain 10% damage.''\\ \\ //This lance was forged with high spirit, they say the blacksmith was a woman of holy power.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Templar''|{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:weapons:lances:conquerorsprowess.png?80|Conqueror's Prowess}}\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''80%''\\ __Damage__: ''600 - 800''\\ __Range__: ''4.2''\\ ''Shots hit multiple targets''\\ ''Ignores defense of target''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+200 Maximum MP''\\ ''+10 Defense''\\ ''+10 Speed''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Stalwart__: ''Immune to weakness.''\\ \\ //We are the legion, we eat the mountains, we drink the seas!//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Templar''| ===== Blades ===== ^ **Thousand Cuts** ^ **Equinox** ^ **Horde Horn** ^ |{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:weapons:blades:thousandcuts.png?80|Thousand Cuts}}\\ __Shots__: ''3''\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''110%''\\ __Damage__: ''145 - 165''\\ __Range__: ''5.3''\\ ''Ignores defense of target''\\ __Chance to Inflict__:\\ ''5% chance to inflict Hemorrhage for 6 seconds''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''-75 Maximum HP''\\ ''+10 Attack''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Blood Sacrifice__: ''When you are inflicted with bleeding, 20% chance to gain invulnerable for 1.5s, 20s Effect Cooldown.''\\ \\ //Take me dear bearer, let me grant you claws sharper than yours ever could be.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Blademaster''|{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:weapons:blades:equinox.png?80|Equinox}}\\ __Shots__: ''2''\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''125%''\\ __Damage__: ''200 - 225''\\ __Range__: ''6''\\ ''Ignores defense of target''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+10 Defense''\\ ''+20 Restoration''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Karma's Honor__: ''If you have invincible, deal 8% more damage and decrease defense by 15% for 8s, 16s Effect Cooldown.''\\ \\ //An elegant dance between dark and light, fragile, yet balanced.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Blademaster''|{{:sverauntiered:items:equipment:valiant:weapons:blades:hordehorn.png?80|Horde Horn}}\\ __Shots__: ''3''\\ __Rate of Fire__: ''104%''\\ __Damage__: ''175 - 185''\\ __Range__: ''3.9''\\ ''Shots hit multiple targets''\\ ''Ignores defense of target''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+100 Maximum HP''\\ ''-70 Maximum MP''\\ ''+3 Attack''\\ ''-7 Defense''\\ ''+3 Dexterity''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Shadow Assault__: ''Dealing 25% damage to a boss, will stun the boss for 1.5s, can stack.''\\ \\ //A necromancer once sought to wake an army full of dead, cavalries, footsoldiers, dragonriders, and all... These two horns are all that were left.//\\ \\ __Usable by__: ''Blademaster''|