====== Godly items ====== ====== Sword ====== ^ **Spiritclaw** || |{{:sverauntiered:items:godly:spiritclaw.png?80 |Spiritclaw}}//Lives won't be spared//.\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ __Rate of Fire__: ''150%''\\ __Damage__: ''250-350''\\ __Range__: ''3''\\ ''Shots hit multiple targets''\\ ''Ignores defense of target''\\ __Shot Effect__:\\ ''Weak for 0.2 seconds''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+50 Maximum MP'' \\ ''+30 Restoration''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''10%''\\ \\ __Usable by__: Warrior, Knight,\\ Paladin|| ^ Where to obtain ^^ ^ Zol Raid ^^ |Aldragine|| ||| ====== Daggers ====== ^ **Dagger of Gilded Pride** || |{{:sverauntiered:items:godly:daggerofgildedpride.png?80 |Dagger of Gilded Pride}}//Fading away from reality\\ allows the darkness to persist\\ and devour all of us//.\\ //We do what is possible\\ to stay away from this void//.\\ \\ __Damage__: ''200-350''\\ __Range__: ''7.0''\\ ''Shots hit multiple targets''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+75 Maximum HP'' \\ ''+15 Attack''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''20%''\\ \\ __Usable by__: Assassin, Trickster,\\ Gambler|| ^ Where to obtain ^^ ^ Gods ^^ |Medusa|Sprite God| |Ghost God|Beholder| ====== Bow ====== ^ **Blazed Bow** || |{{:sverauntiered:items:godly:blazedbow.png?80 |Blazed Bow}}//It is said that this bow was\\ once wielded by Apollo//.\\ \\ \\ \\ __Shots__: ''4''\\ __Damage__: ''90-180''\\ __Range__: ''7.8''\\ ''Shots hit multiple targets''\\ __On Equip__:\\ ''-100 Maximum HP''\\ ''+8 Attack''\\ ''+4 Dexterity''\\ ''+10 Defense''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''19%''\\ \\ __Usable by__: Archer, Huntress,\\ Spirithunter|| ^ Where to obtain ^^ ^ Gods ^^ |Flying Brain|Ent God| |Ghost God|White Demon| ====== Cuirass ====== ^ **Drannol's Judgement** || |{{:sverauntiered:items:godly:drannolsjudgement.png?80 |Dagger of Gilded Pride}}//A rare special armor created\\ from the gem of the Eternal\\ Beast//.\\ \\ \\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+1500 Maximum HP'' \\ ''-15 Dexterity''\\ ''-15 Attack''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''8%''\\ \\ __Usable by__: Warrior, Knight,\\ Paladin, Samurai, Templar\\ __Titan's Curse__: Using your ability also cost\\ health equal to twice your mana cost.|| ^ Where to obtain ^^ ^ Titan Raid ^^ |Drannol, the Eternal Beast|| ||| ====== Rings ====== ^ **Ring of the Seven Seas** || |{{:sverauntiered:items:godly:ringofthesevenseas.png?80 |Ring of the Seven Seas}}//Allow the works of Poseidon\\ to heal you and strengthen\\ your power to fight//.\\ \\ \\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+150 Maximum HP'' \\ ''+100 Maximum MP''\\ ''+7 Dexterity''\\ ''+7 Attack''\\ ''+2 Mana Leech''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''6%''|| ^ Where to obtain ^^ ^ Gods ^^ |Frost Knight|Leviathan| |Djinn|| ^ **Omnipotent** || |{{:sverauntiered:items:godly:omnipotentring.png?80 |Omnipotent Ring}}//An unfathomable amount of\\ strength pulses through this\\ ring. Only the most righteous\\ mortals can touch this ring\\ and live//.\\ \\ __On Equip__:\\ ''+120 Maximum HP'' \\ ''+120 Maximum MP''\\ ''+12 Attack''\\ ''+12 Defense''\\ ''+12 Speed''\\ ''+12 Dexterity''\\ ''+12 Vitality''\\ ''+12 Wisdom''\\ ''+1 Life Steal''\\ ''+1 Mana Leech''\\ __Fame Bonus__: ''10%''|| ^ Where to obtain ^^ ^ The Void ^^ |Void Entity||